7 slots left
* Includes Two 1-hour Personal Coaching Sessions. Limited availability.

I've taught private guitar, voice, and stage performance in Seattle since 2003.
I've also been helping music teachers inspire their students and grow their business since 2009 when I wrote Rob's Totally Awesome Guitar Teaching Handbook.
How do I get more students?
How do I keep my current students from quitting?
How do I make a decent living?

I can teach you how I made my student concerts so successful.
It’s a formula. I’ve broken the process down step-by-step, walking you through each of the phases of developing your next recital. There’s no guesswork: Just follow the plan.
By the end of the course, you'll know how to...
Prepare Students for the Stage
Help Students Prepare Music for Performance
Teach Stage Presence
Reduce Stage Anxiety
Teach Beginners How to Play With Others
Hold Full-Band Rehearsals
Teach Stagecraft Skills
Collaborate with Other Teachers
Find music teachers who complement your skills
Delegate work to your team
Include other teachers' students in your recital
Organize meetings
Work solo if you don't want to or can't collaborate
Organize Your Show
Schedule your shows
Develop a pricing strategy
Organize all your student and song data in a spreadsheet
Keep track of tasks so nothing slips through the cracks
Improve Your Venue
Film the concert or hire a videographer
Group students into bands or ensembles
Organize Rehearsals
Set the proper tone at the show
Introduce your students with flair
Thank students, staff, and audience warmly
Create unity among your team of teachers

I can without doubts or reservations deem this The Bible of beginner-intermediate guitar instruction.

I started teaching in 2009 but with little success. Then I read your eBook and it changed my world tremendously. I was able to get up to 35 regular students a week! I recommend it to everyone I know who wants to teach.
Guitar Teacher

The only reason I am teaching regularly is because of your book. I read it cover to cover. I immediately connected with your story and your writing style. Best $30 I've ever spent.
Six Open Strings Guitar Lessons
who take their business seriously
I spent a lot of money on my education at Berklee College of Music and learned a ton, but one thing they didn't teach was how to start your own music teaching business. You showed me how.
And more importantly, I feel like an important part of my community.
I am very grateful for your guidance.
Sean P. Rogan
You Rock School of Music

Why improve your recitals?
We all struggle to motivate our students to practice. How do you compete with a young student’s Xbox or soccer games? Or an adult student’s demanding job and family commitments?
The answer is: You give them something more compelling: A chance to perform music they love for an enthusiastic crowd. Here's a rough graph showing how motivated my students are before and after my recitals.

Most of my students slack just like yours do. But when they're preparing for my recitals, they practice like olympic athletes.

true story
Once upon a time, I taught a 6-year-old, Ana, who did not like her guitar lessons.
Right after her mom dropped her off, Ana pretended to be a dog. Have you ever tried teaching music to a dog?
When she got tired of being a dog, she pretended to be tired. Very, very tired. Have you ever tried teaching someone who's asleep?
I knew I needed to get her on stage. I taught how to handle stage fright in between naps. I showed her footage of other kids having fun on stage. "Woof," she said.
Finally, she performed on stage. She was nervous!
Her song wasn't amazing, but audiences go nuts for nervous kids with dimples. She beamed as the crowd cheered.
The next lesson, Ana bounded through my door, announcing the next song she wanted to perform. The narcoleptic dog never returned.
the end

Student concerts are an overlooked opportunity.

Here's what great recitals produce...
Students who are having a blast will have better attendance and take lessons with you longer.
Students and their parents tell their friends about your amazing shows. Voila! New students, primed to love their lessons from Day 1.
Free Advertising
Students invite their friends to the shows, and share video footage on social media. Friends are blown away. Bam! More new students.
Students will gladly pay for these experiences. You can offer affordable options where students play solo, while premium rock star packages with a professional backing band earn you big money.

How Much Can You Make?
I currently charge $165/hour for lessons, which is more than triple the going rate for lessons in the Seattle area. How do I justify it? Giving my students performance experiences that they'll tell their grandchildren about.

My 2016 private lesson gross income I took time off in December. 🙂
Now we also cater to students of all ages collaborating with each other and accompanied by our house band. It's a much more gig-like feel in an established local venue. Our students and parents love it!
Recently, some of our performers played their songs at a local festival, to rapturous applause. This is something they wouldn't have been prepared for had they not had the experience of playing in our showcases.
Getting more students involved and more parents involved really helped my retention. The students who perform come back time after time after time because they love it.

Owner of Croyden Guitar Tuition
Croydon, United Kingdom
What you'll get

This lovingly crafted ebook contains the majority of the course content, which means you can study wherever you have a phone, tablet, or laptop.
Each of the four ebook modules starts with a video intended to get you stoked and show you what you’ll learn.
Two of the course’s lesons have video demonstrations. Sometimes you just gotta see it in action.

Online courses have one big drawback: You’re often alone. This means you miss out on the encouragement, accountability, and advice you get from your classmates and teacher. I don’t care how disciplined you are: It’s very, very difficult to sustain hard work when you’re alone.
My solution is to provide an online community: A private Facebook group of other music teachers enrolled in Totally Aweseome Recitals. Because it’s private, we’re free to discuss your teaching and your business.

I believe online courses are most enjoyable and satisfying when they have a finish line. That's why you'll start your Totally Awesome Recitals adventure by planning what you'd like to achieve in the course, using this 10-page Course Completion Guide. You'll evaluate the current state of your student concerts using my fun and easy "Awesomeness Level" rating system, then choose the enhancements you want to make to bump that level up a notch.

As you know, student concert organization can get complicated. It's easy to get overwhelmed juggling emails with your video person, scheduling the setlist around students' soccer games, sending the venue your stage plot, and a multitude of other administrative tasks.
All this stuff is totally manageable if you have an easy way of tracking it. My favorite tool is Trello, which is basically a really visual, easy-to-use to-do list. I saved you the trouble and setup a Trello board for you.
Early in the course, you'll customize your board by simply deleting the tasks you won't do, and then scheduling your work. Due dates get sent to your digital calendar so that you stay on track. Awesome!
This is the Google Doc spreadsheet my team of teachers uses to organize all our student, song, and pricing data. It's product of a decade of innovations, revisions, and pulling our hair out.
This is the professionally-designed template I use for all my student concerts. It's beautiful, but also generic enough to be used by any music teacher.
Just add your logo to the front, details like the date and location of the show, and your setlist.

30 Day Guarantee
You have to take enough risks in life, this shouldn't be one of them. Try the course for 30 days, and if you're not completely satisfied, I'll refund your entire purchase, with zero hassle.
Let's Get Started
Limited Availability: 7 slots left