TAR Mini Course Video 1 Backup - The Greatest Gig
The Secret to Great Student Concerts
that inspire your students and grow your business
A Free 3-Video Mini-Course
Today's Lesson
Video 1: My Discovery
What You'll Learn
1.  Who this course is for
2.  An overview of the whole course
3.  My discovery
4.  How I became a music teacher
5.  The evolution of my concerts
Coming Soon
Video 2: Helping Beginners
What You'll Learn
1. Have beginners play "easy" songs
2. Let them choose songs they love
3. Capitalize on their strengths
4. Ease them in with low-pressure performances
5. Have them accompany more skilled musicians
Coming Soon
Video 3: Marketing
What You'll Learn
1. Have beginners play "easy" songs
2. Let them choose songs they love
3. Capitalize on their strengths
4. Ease them in with low-pressure performances
5. Have them accompany more skilled musicians
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